The Fallacy of Faith

By C.T. Ogden ~

Faith is a term often overused, even exhausted; when describing the inherent flaws and unanswered questions of any man’s doctrine. Should the questioning of truth arise in even its most basic form, “Faith” is the only robotic answer a child of logic will ever receive. From the mouths of parents, to the pulpits of liars and thieves, the word faith reverberates so strongly in the ears of the skeptical that it serves to drown the fire of reason and leave us empty, if we let it. But the faithless should fear not, for we are no longer synonymous with emptiness. We are full of life, true life that echoes this world and the people that walk it.

FaithFaith (Photo credit: Samiul)

It is all a matter of excuses, and the faithless have none. No distractive terms to cloak the deception of our doctrine. We must search for our answers, trek to the ends of conciseness and science for even the slightest glimpse of the powerful truth this universe holds. For it is not a simple truth, it is not so easily explained by the blind conclusions of the fearful.

In the face of adversity the believers will scorn the skeptics for their lack of faith. In a believer’s eyes, It has become essential to the proper development of a person, and without the presence of blind faith they are not whole. So many questions should arise concerning this travesty, but as with all forms of religious doctrine, it is not viable without faith. This is unacceptable. Why should a human being be forced to suppress who they are and shoulder the burden of intellectual blindness. Why should a man be expected to ingest the poison of falsehood and fantasy and destroy their humanity and curiosity? The faithless have refused this vile concoction, and will no longer be satisfied with this simple explanation of what the pulpit and the book cannot explain.

We have evolved beyond the simplicity of god, yet faith will not let us leave him behind. We must shed our faith, and seek answers; we must seek answers or die without purpose, because faith serves none.A god so powerful that he could create the heavens in a day asks only one thing of his Children. He asks only faith; in him, in his power, in his mercy, in his love, in everything he does. When he takes a man’s children in a freak accident, he asks only faith in his decision to cause such pain. When he careens a plane into the earth or slaughters thousands in an earthquake, he asks only faith in his rage. When his silence and indifference to prayers of millions brings such emptiness, he asks only faith in deliverance of doubt. A God so powerful asks only faith when he knows the suffering it causes.

The faithless are ostracized for their failure and refusal to accept what they consider nonsense. They refuse to take part in the battle of sorrow that religion is a product of. They winning deity is the only who will illicit the most faith from his subjects, their faith is a product of the most self-inflicted psychological pain. They faithless have refused to commit themselves to the self destruction. The connection between faith and pain and acceptance should be considered deeply when asking oneself why god was never the answer.

But alas, in the face of overwhelming reason, Faith still shines so brightly in the eyes and ears of the masses. The pain of insignificance, the cosmic loneliness of the truth of reality is too much to comprehend. So the alternative is Faith. It is the one-size-fits-all ideology, the breath in the lungs of the drowning believer. It is a basis for the fearful to fall back upon, in their most terrifying moments when they see the transparency of their beliefs and they realize they are losing grip on the simplicity of the idea of god, they suppress all reason with faith.

It is the conclusion of every concept from the mouths of the priory. Every doubt, every skeptical thought can be answered by faith or a lack thereof. If you question God for even a second, you must be lacking in faith. “Cease your reasonable approach and inject more faith into your life, so that you may be blind and ignorant and subservient once again. While you’re at it, please donate, it will bolster your faith.”

Being human is a painful experience. The burden of perception serves to drive us all to the brink of our sanity. The realization that we all will one day cease to exist has been reserved for the human race. But faith is not the golden ticket; it is not the answer to our doubts of the relief to our fears. It is the wall that holds us from our true potential; it represents the chains that bound us to our past. We have evolved beyond the simplicity of god, yet faith will not let us leave him behind. We must shed our faith, and seek answers; we must seek answers or die without purpose, because faith serves none.

But what of the complexity of faithlessness? The idea that we must save ourselves because no savior cometh. In the correct state of mind this should motivate man, not hinder him.

Imagine a man who realizes the significance of his own existence. This man is cognoscente of the reality that; he will see no afterlife, he will never experience a miracle, and nobody is coming to save him. This man doesn’t need to be saved though, he needs no divine light to give him his purpose because he finds his own purpose and sets his own path. He treats his body like it is the only one he will ever receive, because it is. He understands that his time within his perception is limited, and he must make the most of it that he possibly can. He must look to the future, not to the sky.

This is the model of the faithless. This is the new ideology that must be upheld to perpetuate our existence. We no longer have the luxury of being mislead by fantasy because our planet and our humanity is at stake. Faithlessness does not drive men to commit evil, it drives us to open our eyes and shed the veil of falsehood so that we may see the true beauty of this existence. It enables us to cherish life and brotherhood, and feel a true desire to protect this earth and the creatures that walk it. The faithless must rise up, and lead a generation of those motivated to change our situation for the better and enable the true potential of mankind. It is a potential not hindered by god, because his time is over. We are better than god, we are better than faith; we are more capable than any deity could ever have conceived. There has only been fallacy in faith, and the fallacy of faith is sadly; the fall of man.


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