Kenya: Thousands pray for pastors to rise from dead

They came from the four corners of the country and even neighbouring Uganda with one mission — to pray for a miracle.

Two pastors in the Kingdom Seekers Fellowship International church were killed in a road accident on Monday last week and the faithful believed that God would resurrect them if they prayed hard enough.

There was a large congregation of faithful and curious onlookers who were eager to witness the resurrection.

Nothing happened.

By this time, one could sense doubts creeping into the minds of some of the faithful. To banish any such thoughts, Apostle Steven Bulungi from Uganda chased away the doubting Thomases.

He kept on telling the congregation that they were not being “fanatical or emotional” enough. ‘‘You are practising the word of God,” he exhorted them.

Nevertheless, the worshippers eventually lost hope. One of the pastors announced: “Some miracles do not happen instantly, as was the case when Jesus cursed the fig tree.”

He told the crowd that if the “two brothers’’ were not raised to life, it meant that they had concluded their earthly mission. Even Jesus lived for 33 years, but served his purpose on earth, he said.

Although the miracle did not happen, the faithful did not lose hope. It was resolved that if the pastors will not have risen by Thursday, the bodies will be buried.

- Source / Full Story: Rare prayers to bring back dead pastors, Simon Sielep, Daily Nation, Feb. 22, 2010


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